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Aga Rd: S. Eagle Creek Loop - Davis Dr.

In 2020 the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) issued Mini-RFP #34662 to solicit Architectural & Engineering (A&E) Services for the evaluation and design of sidewalk installation along a portion of AGA Road between Davis Drive and Eagle Loop.  Proposals were to include the development of 30% construction plans, specifications and cost estimates, and considerations for necessary drainage, ancillary fish passage, and railroad crossing improvements.
Although the project encountered delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in March 2022 a Work Order Contract was awarded to Kittelson & Associates, Inc. to facilitate the design work (i.e., planning phase), which commenced in April, 2022.  The project is being administered by ODOT on behalf of Hood River County and a draft design report was provided in January, 2023.
As part of the planning work, local property owners received written requests from the consultant for a "Right-of-Entry" in order to evaluate nearby wetland delineations, establish points of tie-in for concrete or pavement improvements, identify utility locations, or to verify other information necessary for the project's development.  The requests were provided only to necessary property owners and not to all property owners adjacent to AGA Road.  Representatives of the Public Works Department and the consultant conducted onsite visits periodically throughout the summer of 2022, and an "Open House" to discuss the project's development with local residents was held on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.  Please see the Open House Update below for details regarding the Open House.
Goals identified for the planning phase include determining the full extent of required improvements, estimated construction costs, and permitting requirements necessary to construct a safe, reliable walking path adjacent to AGA Road between Davis Drive and Eagle Loop.  The path is being planned within the existing AGA Road Right-of-Way and would be located only on the west side of the road.  No additional sidewalk is expected to be constructed on the east side of AGA Road.  Construction of the path will be subject to the availability of additional funding and not occur until at least 2025 if funding is secured.
Project Status: February 28, 2023
The draft design report provided by the consultant included a narrative project summary, conceptual construction plans, various technical memorandums regarding wetlands, stormwater and permitting requirements, and a 30% construction cost estimate.  Due to potential use of federal funding for construction, additional measures for environmental reviews were also considered.  The preliminary construction cost estimate for the project currently totals $2,206,000 and does not include costs for final design and construction administration.  Throughout the spring and summer of 2023, the County will be evaluating design options and funding sources to determine if the project can proceed to the design phase. 
Questions about the project can be directed to the County Public Works Department via email at or by contacting the Public Works front desk at (541) 386-2616.  Additional questions may be answered by reviewing the AGA Road Sidewalk Planning Project Schedule.
The primary contacts for the project are Public Works Director Mikel Diwan and Engineering Manger Chris Harrell.
Open House Update: November 1, 2022
Local residents and other interested parties are invited to attend the AGA Road Sidewalk Project Open House on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.  The event will be held between 5 pm and 7 pm at the Mid-Valley Elementary School cafeteria in Odell, located at 3686 Davis Drive.  An accessible entrance is located off Davis Drive in front of the school.  For further details about the event, please review the Open House Fact Sheet available in both English and Spanish.  Copies of the fact sheet will be mailed or hand-delivered to local residents immediately adjacent to the project site.

What:   AGA Road Project Open House
When:  Wednesday, November 16, 2022 (5 pm - 7 pm)
Where: Mid-Valley Elementary School cafeteria, Odell  

Open House Display Information:

Project Information Board

Typical Sidewalk Section Exhibit

Sidewalk Layout Map (Aerial View)


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