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Sno-Park Citations

The following are the options this Court offers for SnoPark citations:

1. The defendant can mail, fax or bring in a Copy of their annual Sno-Park permit and the citation will be dismissed.  It does not matter if the permit was purchased after the citation was issued.

2. The defendant can mail or bring in their Original Daily Permit (dated for the same day as their violation) and the citation will be dismissed.  It does not matter if the permit was purchased after the citation was issued provided it is dated for the same day as the offense occurred.

3. The defendant can submit a written explanation to the judge or a verbal explanation at their scheduled court appearance.  The court will not take any testimony/explanations over the phone.

4. The defendant can mail a check or money order to the court.  Please include the summons number on the correspondence. 

5. The defendant may pay with a credit card via the button on the sidebar to the right or by phone at 844-534-9279.

The above information must be received by the court no later than the scheduled court appearance date.


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