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FY 2024-2025 Budget Information

FY 24/25 Adopted Budget

FY 24/25 Approved Budget

FY 24/25 Proposed Budget

FY 24/25 Budget Calendar



FY 2023-2024 - Current


Hood River County 2023-2024 Proposed Budget

Hood River County 2023-2024 Approved Budget 

Hood River County 2023-2024 Adopted Budget




 FY 2022-2023


Hood River County 2022-2023 Adopted Budget



 FY 2021-2022


Hood River County 2021-2022 Adopted Budget




FY 2020-2021

A summary of the budgets are presented below. This budget is for an annual budget period.  This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. 

LB-1 Hood River County District

LB-1 911 Communication District

LB-1 Windmaster Sewer District

UR-1 Windmaster Urban Renewal Agency

20-21 Budget





Hood River County 20-21 Budget

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