On October 16, ballots were mailed to local voters. If something happens to your original ballot, October 31 is the last day the Elections Office can mail replacement ballots. If you haven’t received a ballot by then, it’s best to visit the Elections Office to ensure you get a ballot in time for the election... READ MORE HERE>
Trail Web Map now available for Hood River County Tree Farm
A user-friendly, interactive Trail Web Map has been developed for the Hood River County Tree Farm that makes identifying trail access points, difficulty ratings, and trail statuses easier for more than 230 recreation trails in the County Forest... READ MORE HERE>
Parkdale’s and Odell’s community plans progress
The Hood River County Community Development Department recently completed the planning process to designate Parkdale as a rural unincorporated community after the Board of Commissioners’ October 21 meeting. The meeting included a public hearing, Board deliberations, and adoption of the Parkdale Community Plan. Earlier this year, the Community Development Department initiated a similar planning process to designate Odell as an urban unincorporated community... READ MORE HERE>
Prevention Department transition brings new opportunities
Long-time Prevention Director Belinda Ballah (above right with Daron Ryan of the Health Dept.) retired from the Hood River County Prevention Department on October 1 after 12 years of service. “Throughout her long career in the County, Belinda has consistently prioritized community well-being and evidence-based practices,” relayed County Administrator Allison Williams. The County recently appointed Rachael Fuller as Interim Prevention Director... READ MORE HERE>